
Indications for DL Methionine

Indications For enrichment and balancing of diets of farm animals, including birds, preparation of polnoratsionny compound feeds, premixes, feed additives. The pharmacological Methionine properties, being irreplaceable amino acid, plays an important role in a metabolism. He takes active part in synthesis of fabric proteins, and also processes of synthesis of a number of vitamins, hormones, enzymes that is caused by existence by slabosvyazanny metilny group (-CH3) which can pass into DNA, and is a universal source of metilny groups for all nucleinic acids. Also methionine directly influences hemoglobin synthesis, is necessary for synthesis of adrenaline, noradrenaline, a tsiankobalamin, creatinine, amide of nicotinic acid and some other the substances exerting impact on a nitrogenous, carbon and fatty exchange. Also together with cystine and vitamin A participates in formation of a feather at birds, together with cystine and vitamin E interferes with fatty regeneration of a liver. In comparison with a liquid metioningidroksianalog digestibility an animal organism (biological efficiency) of dry DL Methionine is about 35% higher. At a lack of methionine of an organism of animals and birds appetite loss, anemia, a muscles atrophy, liver obesity, dysfunction of kidneys, decrease in an oplodotvoryaemost, reduction in the rate of growth of young growth and efficiency of an adult bird, violation of plumage and an operyaemost at birds (a vzjeroshennost of feathers, their dullness, fragility and loss) is observed. Thereof low efficiency of use of forages is observed. Formation of egg white is slowed down and, respectively, the mass of eggs decreases. The violation of a lipidic exchange which is characterized by a fatty infiltration and dystrophy of a liver is noted. At a simultaneous lack of vitamin E deficiency of methionine leads to development of muscular dystrophy in chickens and dermatitis of legs. Thanks to high flowability and good miscibility the preparation is convenient in application, and, unlike a liquid metioningidroksianalog does not cause corrosion and wear of the equipment, is safe in the address and can be applied at any stage of preparation of a kormosmesa.

Contact Us:
Email: lisazhang@unischem.com
Skype: Lisa CUC
Tel: 86 15823307520


DL Methionine feed grade Unisplendour Methionine

Methionine is an essential amino acid in all animal species. Methionine is clearly recognised as the first limiting amino acid in poultry, and probably also in high-yielding cows, and as the second or third limiting amino acid in pigs fed conventional diets. Supplementation of appropriate amounts of methionine and methionine analogues to meet requirements is safe for the target species. The earliest signs of a critical overdose are reduced feed intake and weight gain. The level of supplementary methionine and its analogues that is toxic varies from species to species and depends on the basal diet and its content of sulphur-containing amino acids.
Methionine from DL-Met and its hydroxy analogue and their salts is incorporated in the protein of tissues and products, showing a constant amino acid pattern. Consequently, the use of these additives will not result in an increased methionine content in tissues and products. Doses exceeding the requirement will be excreted.

Residues present in the animal tissues and products resulting from the extremely small quantities of free styrene and 2-vinylpyridine found in DL-Met-cop are very unlikely to raise concerns about consumer safety.

None of the products are considered to present a significant inhalation risk. DL-Met, DL-Met-cop and DL-Met-ec are considered non-irritant to skin and eyes, and the lack of sensitisation potential demonstrated for DL-Met is considered to apply also to DL-Met-cop and DL-Met-ec. DL-Met-Na is considered corrosive to skin and eyes and harmful if swallowed. HMTBa is an irritant to the skin and corrosive to the eyes but is not a dermal sensitiser. HMTBa-Ca is irritant to the eyes but not to the skin. The absence of a dermal sensitisation potential demonstrated for HMTBa is considered to apply also to HMTBa-Ca. HMTB-i is non irritant to the skin and eyes, and it is not a dermal sensitiser.

Ningxia Unisplendour Tianhua Methionine Co.,Ltd

Ningxia Unisplendour Tianhua Methionine Co., Ltd mainly deals in the research, production and sales of DL-Methionine. It is the only domestic producer of deed grade DL-Methionine. As the main shareholders, Chongqing Unisplendour Chemical Co.,Ltd is a leading chemical producer of HCN and its derivatives in China. With giant partnership between shareholders, the company makes a great contribution to promote good development of feed and livestock industry.

Contact me:
Lisa Zhang
Email: lisazhang@unischem.com
Skype: Lisa CUC
Whats App: 86 15823307520


Amino acids and intestinal health

A weaned piglets, intestinal broad reshaping occurs to shift to adapt to solid feed from the liquid feed. The stage adaptation of nutritionists constitute a significant challenge, they must consider how to help the transition to solid feed pigs, but also to meet the expected costs.
From the perspective of an amino acid, reduce intestinal pressure while reducing the cost of the diet is an important strategy is an amino acid added to reduce rations by reasonable crystalline crude protein content. Reducing the crude protein content reduces the amount of the large intestine can ferment proteins, which would reduce the incidence of post-weaning diarrhea. This will also reduce the demand for protein sources, such as soybean meal, which will constitute the intestinal immune challenges, while also reducing the amount of some expensive protein sources. Early weaned pigs total lysine levels often configured as 1.65 to 1.7% or higher. At low levels of lysine (1.35% standardized ileal digestible (SID) lysine or 1.5% of total lysine) can reduce the need for expensive protein sources, but on pig performance is small.
When the low-lysine diets SID when other amino acids relative to lysine ratio is very critical. Other amino acids relative to the proportion of lysine, methionine plus cysteine ​​was 58%, 62% threonine, valine 65%, isoleucine 52% (if the blood product usage is high, then the percentage should be 60%). Tryptophan ratio of lysine remains controversial, recommended ratio is between 16.5 to 20 percent, depending on the level of nutrients as well as the specific experiment. A particular amino acid (e.g. arginine or glycine, and glutamic acid) seem to be able to meet the needs of the non-essential amino acids, and for the development of the intestinal tract has the intended effect.

Contact Me:
Lisa Zhang
Email: lisazhang@unischem.com
Skype: Lisa CUC
Tel: 0086 15823307520
Ningxia Unisplendour Tianhua Methionine Co.,Ltd


Classification of amino acids in pig feed and its role

Amino acids are the basic unit composed of protein, it is divided into two major categories of essential and non-essential.
Essential amino acids the body can not be a hog or synthetic slow and can not meet the needs of pigs, it must be supplied by the diet.
The pigs required 10 kinds of essential amino acids, namely lysine, methionine, tryptophan, arginine, threonine, valine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine .
Lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan are growing pig diets in the first four limiting amino acids. Pigs various stages of growth of these four kinds of amino acid requirements have been fully understood. The four mature crystalline amino acids and synthesis of synthetic technology has been able to meet the needs of commercial applications, and so that by adding synthetic amino acids. The typical corn - soybean meal crude protein content in pig diets reduced about 2%, the net can be increased by 2%. The study shows that, despite the low protein diet so that the carcass become fat trend. However, to maintain the original pig performance.

Ration of feed ingredients consisting of lysine present, egg + cystine, the relative lack of threonine, tryptophan, reducing the production of feed utilization and performance of animals. Therefore, you should add the appropriate amino acid in pig feed according to the type of diet.

Contact Me:
Lisa Zhang
Ningxia Uisplendour Tianhua Methionine Co.,Ltd
Email: lisazhang@unischem.com
Skype: Lisa CUC
Tel: 0086 15823307520


DL- Metionina

DL- Metionina , es sintetizado a partir de materias primas petroquímicas, usando un conocido proceso de carbonato 
Este sistema de prueba compleja da como resultado un producto de alta calidad sin la formación de residuos de sal, evitando así, en gran medida la contaminación por los residuos del aire y el agua.

Particularmente para uso en nutrición de animales monogástricos. DL Metionina de grado feed, asegura el suministro adecuado de aminoácidos azufrados, especialmente de la metionina esencial . Siendo la metionina el primer limitante en la dietas típicas de las aves de corral, su uso ha sido bien establecido por muchos años. El uso en las dietas para lechones y cerdos en crecimiento pueden mostrar una considerable eficiencia con la metionina, especialmente cuando es formulada para lograr excreción de baja de nitrógeno por razones ecológicas, tales deficiencias pueden ser convenientemente compensadas usando DL Metionina de grado feed.

Contact Me: 
Lisa Zhang
Email: lisazhang@unischem.com
Skype: Lisa CUC
Tel: 0086 15823307520


Methionine, DL Methionine, L Methionine

L-methionine is usually isolated from the DL-methionine produced .

This is done with an isolated enzyme of microbial origin. The enzyme attaches to L-methionine. This specificity allows the two to be separated by ordinary chemical means. The enzyme is the treated (I’m thinking with acid base chemistry) to release the L-methionine product. The enzyme is re-usable.
The D-methionine half (which may be altered by the isolation process) can be used as for whatever purpose or destroyed. There are methods to convert D-methionine to DL-methionine again (to be added back into the previous separation process),  L-methionine could also be converted to DL-methionine. That conversion is not 100% racemic yield.

On the industrial plant equipment level this operation is not costly to invest in, by any means. Nor is it energy intensive. It is not labor intensive. It is a process that has been in place on the industrial level for some time.
At quoted prices, L-methionine will likely cost twice as much because it comes from DL-methionine.

L-methionine is the only assimilable isomer that does not require an unnatural conversion, over excretion, or, execrative metabolism. D-methionine may become involved preliminarily in some simple metabolic processes. It may be integrated accidentally into proteins, in effect denaturing those proteins to varying degrees.

Exactly how D-methionine is handled by mammalian systems is not of scientific importance because naturally it would never happen.
Biological and medical science would be very interested in how L-methionine is utilized because it is involved as a critical process. SAMe is a common derivative.

Contact Me: 
Lisa Zhang
Skype: Lisa CUC
Whats App: 0086 158 23307520
Ningxia Unisplendour Tianhua Methionine Co.,Ltd


What are amino acids?

Twenty percent of the human body is made up of protein. Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building blocks of it.

A large proportion of our cells, muscles and tissue is made up of amino acids, meaning they carry out many important bodily functions, such as giving cells their structure. They also play a key role in the transport and the storage of nutrients. Amino acids have an influence on the function of organs, glands, tendons and arteries. They are furthermore essential for healing wounds and repairing tissue, especially in the muscles, bones, skin and hair as well as for the removal of all kinds of waste deposits produced in connection with the metabolism.

The importance of amino acids for human well-being is on the increase

Meirion Jones, a well-known BBC journalist, reported that contrary to years ago, many doctors have now confirmed that a supply of amino acids (also by way of nutritional supplements) can have positive effects.

Jones and Erdmann explain the changes in medical opinion in the following way: “Unfortunately, in the real world countless factors are working to prevent our bodies from receiving a full and balanced supply of these all-important substances. Among these factors are the pollution caused by burning fossil-fuels, the hormones fed to cattle, the intensive use of fertilizers in agriculture, and even habits such as smoking and drinking, all of which can prevent our bodies from fully using what we eat. Worse still is the amount of nutrition that is lost from our food through processing before we actually get to eat it...By providing the body with optimal nutrition, amino acids help to replace what is lost and, in doing so, promote well-being and vitality.”

A recent study from Germany carried out by the DAK has revealed that older people in particular are more prone to suffering from malnutrition. “If the body is lacking in the minimum energy and nutrients, the body cannot carry out its bodily and mental functions. Without the necessary vitamins, proteins (amino acids), trace elements and minerals, there is a risk of debilities and metabolic disorders which can have serious consequences.”

The amino acid pool has to be right

Jones believes that almost every disease caused by civilisation is a result of imbalances in our metabolism. The amino-acid pool is jointly responsible for achieving a balanced metabolism.

The amino acid pool describes the entire amount of available free amino acids in the human body. The size of the pool amounts to around 120 to 130 grams in an adult male. If we consume protein in the diet, the protein in the gastro-intestinal tract is broken down into the individual amino acids and then put back together again as new protein. This complex biological process is called protein biosynthesis. The entire amino acid pool is transformed, or ‘exchanged’ three to four times a day. This means that the body has to be supplied with more amino acids, partly by protein biosynthesis, partly by the diet or through consumption of suitable dietary supplements.

The objective is that the amino acid pool is complete and maintained in the correct combination. If the one or more amino acids are not available in sufficient quantities, the production of protein is weakened and the metabolism may only function in a limited way.

Older people are not the only ones who this applies to, for young people can also be affected by the negative consequences of a limited supply of nutrients. These include weight problems, hair loss, skin problems, sleep disorders, mood swings and/or erectile disorders but also arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular imbalance (high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure) or even menopausal complaints.

Contact Me:
Lisa Zhang
Email: lisazhang@unischem.com
Skype: Lisa CUC
Whats app: 0086 15823307520
Ningxia Unisplendour Tianhua Methionine Co.,Ltd